Intermittent Fasting
Time-Restricted Eating (TRE), also known as intermittent fasting, which involves confining food intake to an 8-hour window each day without the need for calorie counting, has proven to be more effective in promoting weight loss in individuals with type 2 diabetes and obesity compared to traditional calorie restriction. Furthermore, both approaches resulted in a notable reduction in A1c levels compared to those who received no intervention.
In a six-month clinical trial involving 75 adult participants with type 2 diabetes and obesity, individuals were randomly assigned to one of three groups: the 8-hour TRE approach (eating only from noon to 8 PM without calorie counting), a 25% daily calorie restriction, or a control group. The findings of the study demonstrate that Time-Restricted Eating is a safe and viable option for individuals managing type 2 diabetes, whether they are relying solely on dietary modifications or combining them with medication. However, it’s important to note that for those taking sulfonylureas and/or insulin, adopting a TRE regimen will necessitate adjustments in their medication regimen and regular monitoring, especially during the initial stages of implementing this dietary approach.
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