Unlocking the Clock: How Meal Timing Influences Cardiovascular Health and Longevity
Eating meals earlier in the day has been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a recent study. The research, based on data from 103,389 individuals, emphasizes the importance of meal timing in the realm of chrononutrition. Beyond the content of our diets, the study highlights the significant impact of when we consume our meals on circadian rhythms and overall health.
Previous studies have shown that delaying the first or last meal of the day may have adverse effects on cardiovascular health. A growing body of evidence in the field of chrononutrition suggests that not only what we eat but also when we eat plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. The timing of meals, coupled with exposure to light, influences circadian rhythms, affecting various aspects of health.
Recent findings indicate that individuals who consume meals later in the day tend to burn calories more slowly and exhibit genetic changes that promote lipid storage, contributing to fat growth. Additionally, a study on diabetics revealed that restricting eating to a specific time window, from noon to 8 pm, resulted in greater weight loss compared to a conventional calorie-restricted diet. A mouse study from 2022 even demonstrated that restricting eating to the rodents’ most active nighttime hours extended their lifespans by 35%.
The latest research, drawing from the NutriNet-Santé study, underscores the importance of breakfast timing. For every hour of delay in having breakfast, there was a 6% increase in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Comparing individuals who had their first meal at 7 am to those who ate at 10 am, the latter faced an 18% higher lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, the study revealed that individuals eating their last meal after 9 pm experienced a 28% higher risk of cerebrovascular diseases, such as stroke and aneurysm, compared to those concluding their calorie intake before 8 pm.
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